Tall Ships in Corner Brook

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Arrival on Saturday 29th July at 10:00 am and depart on Monday 31st July at 6:00 pm

City Council approved the Guest Port Contract at tonight’s Public Council Meeting to assist staging the Tall Ships Regatta.  City Council is excited to host the tall ships in Corner Brook and has committed resources, funding, and logistical support for this event. Festival Planning will begin immediately, details will be released as they are available.

Through Rendez-Vous Naval De Quebec and Tall Ships International Limited the 2017 Tall Ships Regatta is  part of the Canada 150th Celebrations. Dozens of tall ships will participate in the race, which travels all around the world, from Europe to Bermuda, ending this year in Canada. Following the 150th celebrations in Québec, the fleet divides into two. A smaller number of vessels will remain in North American waters in order to take part in an Outport Programme, visiting nine ports and an organized sail past. The Tall Ships are coming to Newfoundland at the invitation of the City. The City is anticipating five vessels to visit Corner Brook.

Mayor Charles Pender, a Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)-Canada 150 Ambassador, says the Tall Ships Regatta will be a major attraction in Corner Brook. “Our Council and staff in collaboration with the Corner Brook Port Corporation have been steadily working through the details and logistics that will allow this event to occur. This eagerly sought after visit follows the highly successful City’s 60th Anniversary celebrations, when thousands of people attended events in Corner Brook. We look forward to providing world class hospitality, a sample of diversity, Corner Brook’s heritage, and an exceptional cultural experience.”

The event program will be determined largely by the sailing schedule of the fleet. Tentatively, the Tall Ships Regatta will arrive on Saturday 29th July at 10:00 am and depart on Monday 31st July at 6:00 pm.

Council and the Corner Brook Port Corporation anticipate the Tall Ships event will attract significant national and international attention with media showcasing Corner Brook’s reputation as one of our nation’s top tourist destinations.


“The Tall Ships Regatta is going to be a remarkable event and we are proud to host it here in Corner Brook. The inclusion of Corner Brook in the sailing schedule signified the importance of our sailing, trading, and fishing history. The City of Corner Brook will be involved in hosting a festival for visiting ships to enrich the quality of life for residents, and promote local businesses by attracting tourist. Thank you to the Federal Government for providing support to Rendez-Vous Naval De Quebec for this Canada’s 150th celebration event.”

– His Worship, Charles Pender, Mayor, City of Corner Brook, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Canada 150 Ambassador

“As a part of our Government’s Canada 150 celebrations, tall ships will be sailing Canadian waters and stopping at ports to allow thousands of people to admire the beauty of these cathedrals of the sea. As your Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains, I am honoured that Corner Brook will be hosting this incredible event. I encourage you all to come out and participate in the Tall Ships Regatta.”

– Gudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament, Long Range Mountains

“The Port of Corner Brook is one of only two ports in Newfoundland and Labrador chosen to host the 2017 Tall Ships Regatta.  We are excited to be welcoming five tall ships to the port this July as part of the Canada 150 Celebrations and we look forward to working with the City to help facilitate an enjoyable, family friendly experience for residents and visitors.”

– Jackie Chow, CEO, Corner Brook Port Corporation

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