Memorial Sea-Hawks Soccer Programs Kick Off This Weekend

[Photo credit: Memorial University Athletics] 

The Memorial Sea-Hawks men's and women's soccer teams return to the pitch this weekend for a pair of games each to kick off the Atlantic University Sport regular season.  

[Photo credit: Memorial University Athletics]

The women are coming off of a strong 2016 season in which they finished second in the conference with a 10-1-1 record. Their season ended, however, with a heartbreaking overtime loss to Acadia in the AUS Championship semi-final. 

The Sea-Hawks women open their season in St. John's at 1 p.m. on Saturday against the Mount Allison Mounties. The second in their pair of games against the Mounties will be played on Sunday at noon at King George V. 

Meanwhile, the men's soccer team is coming off a less impressive 2016 season that ended without a spot in the playoffs. The Sea-Hawks will look to get back to the AUS Championships this season and their journey will start with back-to-back games against Mount Allison on the weekend. 

The first game is at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday with the second game going at 2:15 p.m. on Sunday. Both games will be at King George V field in St. John's. 

Check out the full schedule for the men and women, and stream all games at AUS TV if you can't make it to the game. 

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Both the men and women play a pair of games against Mount Allison in St. John's.
Sports University, College Local


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